Rabu, 30 Juli 2008

Melawi and environmental education

Yes, this is about my work. Last February we have worked the logical framework for environmental education program in Melawi. The program itself start last April, and since then I have return to Nanga Pinoh each months , the capital city of Melawi district. We just finished first phase of the program. I'm feel bit smug, it like a test, my first "big and long term" program. Actually the local facilitators and workshop gone more than I expected. But, I will not talk about it ,let the feeling and "mumbo jumbo" became my privileged (hehee).

It about the local education board. I can't understand with the government. Give it like this, you are paid by the country (that got money from the good citizen :-D) to do some work. In education board it mean some functions like to ensure children get their right on education. This include environmental education that can take various forms in curriculum, formal, informal, integrated, depend on the readiness of the implementer (education board, school, teacher, curricula, tools, etc). So, when there was teachers and schools that care with the environment problems around, especially in Melawi, want to make a change with implementing environmental education in their school, and will preparing all the needs by themselves, it means the education board are helped in one of their function. But, what happened is, people in education board see this as a good "money earning" thing, that they should get some share. What a chump!!!


Bukan hal yang biasa membuat aku untuk berpikir dan menulis, namun gawai demokrasi Pilkada (pemilihan kepada daerah) baik di kota Pontianak dan kabupaten-kabupaten lainnya serta di penjuru-penjuru negeri menyisakan ruang-ruang menarik untuk sekedar diobrolkan, dianalisis, didiskusikan, diketawakan (you named it). Termasuk di Madanika, ada ide yang muncul, bagaimana menciptakan golput terbesar di Pontianak setelah melihat calon-calon pemimpin yang "menyedihkan".

Hmm...it just put me on the side. I have this kind of though, if there no good candidate for the city, then when I decide to be golput, are that not just let the most popular or and the most crab candidates to win and run the city. So, here I'm, I choice to use my right, I will vote. Eventhough it mean select the best from the worse (ughh..), I will vote for an individual that I think will do a good job in running the city, in any kinds aspects like education, economy, environment, women's and children right, anything for the city. But the problem is, how I know what they campaign on is not just a good rhetoric public speaking. And what I or we can do to make sure the elected leader will keep he/her words...?
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